In the early 2020s, I can remember that we have to hit each number on my old Nokia phone multiple times for each letter. But now most people have smartphones with full keyboards that allow them to send the text messages quickly including images and other files etc. Now-a-days, most people carry a phone which is capable of receiving the text messages. So it is easy to send the text messages as a part of multichannel marketing campaign and also it is more advantageous. By the estimation of 2020, 4.7 billion people across the worldwide will be accessing the internet via smartphones. In addition to that, the whole process can be automated by the customer relationship management solution. Here I am discussing some methods how I can send text messages from CRM :

Personalized Text Messages

One of the fastest growing trends is the personalization in marketing. We can focus on personalization to make text messages more relevant and engage it to the recipient. Also we can populate our message with our audience’s personal information using any system tag that stores the certain types of behavioral or demographic data about each recipient. For example, we can include their biodata like name, age, industry, geographical location. This results in higher level of investment and engagement in CRM solution.

Text Messaging for sales

Sales repository normally juggle loads of prospects at the same time. It can be hard for them to keep up with it all and personally respond to every incoming query.

Incorporating text messaging into marketing campaigns

Digital marketing can involve an array of the different touchpoints through different channels including:

  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Videos
  • Mobile
  • Text messaging

Setting up workflow

With all-in-one CRM such as Agile CRM, we can get full CRM capabilities and marketing, sales, support automation in the same platform. It is quite easy and simple to set a workflow to automate the sending text messages. We can customize it as per our choice by making it simple or complex what we want. With a drag and drop workflow builder, we can simply determine the actions what we want the workflow can take and when they take place based on which action. Also we could set up a highly-complex workflow that encompasses an entire multichannel campaign. This can include a combination of any type of touchpoint which we want to include in our campaign.

Sending Bulk Text Messages

When we want to send a text message, our capacity is not limited to one-off sends. In some cases, if we want to send the text messages to a targeted segment of our audience or if we want a promotion around a specific product that we want to sell, we can easily send a bulk text message to a specific group of prospects that we have identified as being a good fit for that product. We can draft message by defining our target audience using some system filters and after that we can send. Then that message will sent to everyone of our targeted audience list. In addition to that, CRM can track everyone who clicks on that link which we provide in the text message. This points measure the effectiveness of the text messaging.

Using Triggers to send text messages

If we use CRM software with texting capabilities, in that case we can use behavior-based triggers to automate the sending of the message. We can also pre-draft messages if we want so that customers and prospects can display certain behaviors and the system knows and sends the message automatically. This is a great technique to send the right message at right time to the right person. Trigger based text messages help us to increase customer engagement by sending a message related to the action they have just taken. As an example, if someone signs up for a free trial of our product and we capture their phone number, we can have a workflow in place to send an automaticwelcoming text message and providing any important information they need to know.


In today’s world, most of the people are carrying cellphones during their journey so they can choose a text message as part of our marketing or sales effort which is a great tactic to engage audience.