Neuromarketing Workshop2024-03-02T12:35:25+05:30

Ready to unlock the secrets of what truly drives your CUSTOMERS?

Advanced ChatGPT Masterclass

Ready to unlock the secrets of what truly drives your CUSTOMERS?

Brief Intro About Workshop

This workshop aims to revolutionize marketing by revealing the intricacies of Neuromarketing. Over two days, experts will guide participants through the intersection of neuroscience and marketing, decoding consumer psychology and leveraging emotions in branding. This immersive experience will provide insights to navigate the evolving landscape of marketing.

Key Benefits of Neuromarketing Workshop:

  • Decode the Consumer’s Mind
  • Create Emotionally Resonant Campaigns
  • Optimize User Experience with Neuroscience
  • Increase Conversion Rates
  • Stay Ahead in a Competitive Landscape
  • Networking Opportunities

Mentor Section

Arijit Hajra, CEO of Think Again Lab and renowned “Robot Man of India,” brings 8+ years of experience in robotics, AI, and tech-driven solutions. His expertise in ChatGPT and cutting-edge platforms will guide you through the masterclass. Learn from the best and unlock your AI potential.

Workshop Details

Date: 2-day immersive workshop (specific dates to be confirmed)

Duration: 6 hours (3hrs. +3hrs)

Delivery: Live online sessions with interactive exercises and Q&A

Bonus: Exclusive access to workshop materials, templates, and resources


  1. Approach with eagerness to explore the world of neuromarketing.
  2. Stable internet, computer, or tablet for seamless participation.
  3. Bring enthusiasm for pushing boundaries in marketing.


Who is this workshop suitable for?2024-02-13T18:14:09+05:30

The workshop caters to marketers, business owners, and anyone intrigued by understanding the science behind consumer decisions.

Do I need a background in neuroscience?2024-02-13T18:52:12+05:30

No prior neuroscience knowledge is required. The workshop is designed for all levels, making complex concepts accessible.

How will this workshop enhance my marketing skills?2024-02-13T18:53:11+05:30

By decoding consumer psychology, you’ll gain insights to create more impactful campaigns, optimizing your marketing strategies.

Is the workshop entirely virtual?2024-02-13T19:01:00+05:30

Yes, the entire workshop is conducted online, providing flexibility for participants to join from any location.

Can I interact with the instructors?2024-02-13T19:02:52+05:30

Absolutely! The workshop encourages active participation with Q&A sessions, discussions, and hands-on activities facilitated by experienced instructors.

What materials or software do I need for the workshop?2024-02-13T19:05:02+05:30

All you need is a stable internet connection, a computer, or a tablet. No special software is required; we’ll guide you through the rest!

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