Successful CRM user adoption in our organization is not a one-time thing. It is continuous work in progress that never ends. The use of customer relationship management software has steadily risen over the last few decades. CRM needs to become a way of life. Not just today, but days, weeks, months and years and after going live. Here are some tips and tricks to increase CRM adoption

Involve employees in the Planning Process

 Survey our employees

We should ask our employees which parts of their jobs are most time consuming and also what would we should automate to save the time to focus on more important tasks.

Gain Feedback from Everyone

Employees from every team will likely be using our CRM solution, so we have to take feedback from our employees in various sectors such as marketing, sales, finance, customer support etc. By collecting those feedback’s it will help us to form a picture of our customer’s needs.

Ask Executives 

CRM software is incredibly useful for executives and directors. They are not using the system as heavily as other employees but they would like to maintain constant insight into the result of every team’s efforts.

Ask Executives

Do your research before purchasing a solution

There are hundreds, if not thousands of CRM software providers are there and it is incredibly important that we have to select the right solution to meet our needs. Every business is unique as well as their use cases, needs and business goals are unique. We should ask ourselves some important questions to inform our decision.

How user friendly is the system?

Early CRM solutions were clunky, complicated to learn and came up with a steep learning curve. These early solutions were not user-friendly and requires ;lots of training for users to master the system. But now the scenario has changed. Now the CRM solutions can be learned easily and include a drag-drop functionality that allow users which are not tech-savvy to come up to speed quickly. So if the users will learn the CRM functions more quickly, CRM adoption rate will be also high.

Does it meet all the requirements?

During the planning process, we have defined the specific requirements that our CRM solution must provide to meet our needs.

How strong is their customer support?

Having access to the world-class customer support is incredibly important especially when we are implementing and learning a new system. We also should ask the potential provider to explain their support access and conditions they must adhere to when it comes to support.

With so many employees are working remotely and while on the move if they select a CRM solution that should provide mobile access which is quite important. Mobile access allows the users to work while on the go and never miss a beat.

Assumption customer support

Reward the most active users

There are many ways by which we can monitor the usage of the users in our CRM solution.For sales repository, we can monitor the number of calls they log and the volume of leads they convert into prospects and the accuracy of the data they enter. CRM system typically includes project management capabilities so that we can monitor the percentage of assigned tasks they mark as complete and use that to measure their individual usage.


Enforce Required Workflow Steps

Incorporate required steps that users must do to complete the certain tasks. Users can not complete required aspects of their jobs without completing the required steps which increases the CRM adoption rates.

Look for a robust implementation and workflow programs

When implementing anew software system, we need to be assured from our vendor that we will receive extensive training and onboarding for all employees. If our onboarding specialist rushes through the process users will easily get lost and give up hope to learn the new system.

CRM Competency Testing

During training, CRM competency testing is very much important. We should provide the same testing at the future meetings to check how their knowledge and skills continue to grow.


Follow-up Training

After providing training to the employs we should follow up them how their knowledge is skilled or not.