The good news is we have done all our research by choosing a customer relationship management software and implemented it successfully. The bad news is when our sales team refuses to use it and instead of it they stick with their old, trusty spreadsheets. According to the estimation of industry, 40% of sales people were still using their old methods to store the customer data as of just couple of years ago. This will cause a huge time waste and money also. There are several reasons why the sales team are not getting on-board with the new CRM. Some highly probable reasons are: lack of knowledge, difficulty facing in updating, bad data, willingness to change, lack of understanding or may be communication gap. Let us look some important reasons why sales team not using our CRM:

Limited Technical Expertise:

This could be a result of simply not being technically savvy at all. Also they could just be more accustomed with a different CRM. The most easiest way to solve this issue is to provide a solid user-related training to our sales teams. This can be achieved very effectively by hosting the sales webinars for the existing team and onboarding webinars for new members to get them up to speed when they will join  the company. It would be more useful to provide the team with the industry level best practices for CRM use such as providing strong leadership, by using automation to avoid the human errors and also instituting quality control etc. Moreover, it may help the sales team to give them additional information about how CRM is evolving and being adopted by the industry leaders and also giving them an added incentive to learn and adopt the technology.

Limited Technical Expertise:

This could be a result of simply not being technically savvy at all. Also they could just be more accustomed with a different CRM. The most easiest way to solve this issue is to provide a solid user-related training to our sales teams. This can be achieved very effectively by hosting the sales webinars for the existing team and onboarding webinars for new members to get them up to speed when they will join  the company. It would be more useful to provide the team with the industry level best practices for CRM use such as providing strong leadership, by using automation to avoid the human errors and also instituting quality control etc. Moreover, it may help the sales team to give them additional information about how CRM is evolving and being adopted by the industry leaders and also giving them an added incentive to learn and adopt the technology.


It may be a reason that your team had tried to use our CRM but they found that it was too difficult to update or organize the data. Manual data entry has the potential to not only be tedious for our sales repository but also can lead to remove the mentioned unwanted errors. Implementing a CRM with automatic syncing options will alleviate many issues associated with the manual data entry and also allow for easy updates. Now the ability to sync with our google contacts can be a game changer in terms of collecting and syncing the contact data easily. Providing options for frequency and type of contacts will help us to shift through which contacts to sync and which to avoid as well. As an example, Agile CRM option include frequency and has the ability to choose the individual contacts or to sync the entire groups from google and has the capability to add tags to the trigger marketing campaigns automatically.

Not understandable CRM:

If the sales team can not understand how benefited CRM for their day-to-day activities they can show unwillingness to use it. We have to help them by understanding them the benefits of using CRM such as cutting down on the time it will take for each sale, keeping all the relevant data of customers in an centralized place and the ability to access the information from anywhere at anytime could create more buy overall. Also we can show them case studies which generate high revenue than others with the use of CRM.

People struggle to change:

No matter how we are but the change is difficult. It will not change for the sales representatives. There are many ways to help them to make the change easier and get them on board with CRM. We have to ask them what are the requirements for the new CRM. Present solutions that include their requirements help them to decide which CRM is best to use. Even if we don’t get everyone on board this way, we may be able to get some people to agree to it at which point we could appoint them to be champions for the new system. If they know it, accept it and also perhaps they even like it they would be help us to get other members to be on board with new CRM

Bad Data:

We can have the most user-friendly system with the most technology savvy sales repository. But if our data is bad, we are bound to lose our sales team’s contact data loyalty. It will be very difficult to maintain a CRM free of incorrect, outdated information but performing regularly scheduled audits and using tools such as data de-duplication or including other 3rd party auditing tools that will help us to clean our data in an effective way.